Friday, June 26, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Adam had his first experience with Vacation Bible School last week. Our church was transformed into Crocodile Dock and we had a great time. I took the week off of work and volunteered to work at the preschool VBS. I have never been involved in a VBS so large. We had over 600 kids and over 300 volunteers. It was amazing. The preschool VBS was held in our south campus and the older kids were at the north campus.

We had such a great time and Adam loved it. His best buddy from preschool, Tyler, was in his group and they had a great time together. We had a great group of kids and volunteers. I think every summer I'll take a week off work to work on VBS. It was probably one of the best things I've done in a very long time......

Water Table!!

So...I'm finally to photos from the month of June. In fact, these are from June 1st. We decided to get a water table for the boys to play in....needless to say they love it! It has been great fun and they love to play outside in it. Andrew loves to pour the water all over him and Adam is just happy to play outside.

Zoo Atlanta

We finally made our first visit for the year to the Zoo. It is kind of sad when you have annual passes and you still can't find time to go to the zoo. The boys had a great time and we got to try out our new wagon. It was wonderful! Both boys got to ride and could see and it worked great. We both said we wished we had thought of it earlier.

We were able to see so many of the animals up close and personal. The giraffes were closer than I've ever seen them before. The pandas were also out and playing in their area. Adam loved seeing the reptile house....and it wasn't too bad. At least it was air conditioned!

Both boys sacked out on the way back home but it was a great Saturday outing....


These photos are all from the last week of May. I can't believe how big Andrew is getting and all the things he is doing. He is our monkey and is into everything all the time! Every time we turn around he is climbing on something, standing on a chair, pulling things off everything he can reach.....He is definitely going to be our child that we always have to keep an eye on. He is pretty much always happy but he's also almost always into something! :-)

Adam's End of Year School Picnic

Adam's end of the year school picnic at Due West was pretty sad.....he won't be back there next year as he'll be attending a Pre-K program here. A couple of his buddies from Due West will be at the same school for Pre-K as well, so it wasn't too bad.

We had a great time at the picnic. The kids all got bug catcher kits from their teacher's and they had the best time playing with them in the field. We had pizza and cupcakes and cookie cakes and the kids were all on a sugar high. It was lots of fun, but a pretty hot day for May. We had a great time and are so fortunate that Adam has loved Due West so much. It is so wonderful that he loves our church so much. Anytime he hears us talking about church, he wants to go too! Below are some of the pictures from the picnic.

Andrew's End of Year School Picnic

So another year of Due West Preschool is over.....ok, so it has been over for more than a month now. I'm really behind in updating. Andrew had such a great year and totally loves Ms. Kelli! We love her too! Adam had her his first year at Due West.

Unfortunately, the day of their picnic, it rained, so we played inside. Andrew loves Due West and we are so glad!