Sunday, April 27, 2008

Soccer for 3 Year Olds?

Our church has a wonderful recreation ministry (, so when they decided to offer Spring Soccer we decided Adam might enjoy it. He's one of the youngest on his team as you have to be 3 to play and he just turned 3 in March. His team is the The Pirates and it is 3 and 4 year olds. This week Adam actually played for about 5-6 minutes - it is a huge improvement. In fact, he kicked the ball to start off the game. He spent the rest of the game sitting in my lap or wandering around playing, but it is a start.

Here are some photos from Saturday's game....

Usually there are almost as many parents on the field as there are kids. Our season is only 6-7 weeks long and we only have a few weeks left. Soccer for 3 and 4 years old is organized chaos. :) At least Adam is learning about team sports even if it just from the sidelines. Our coach, Dana, is a saint. Her little boy, Trevor, and Adam have been in the same preschool class in the past and Adam loves to watch Trevor play. If only he would go out and play with Trevor more. Probably by the time the season is over, he'll decide he likes to play!

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